Sunday, July 05, 2009

Pia Arroyo-Magalona is not afraid to show it

Take a look at this article.

I was listening to her the other day in an event that I attended. I felt a little emotional when I heard her story about losing Francis M., her husband.

Every one of us experienced a loss and we continue experiencing it. It's always painful. And sadly, it brings most people to a place where they should not go... a place far away from where the light is.

When I was younger, I thought that it's okay to stay in the dark when I'm hurt. As I grow up and become wiser, I realize that what matters is really to not let go of the spark of light and where it is.. and that we should always be sure that we know which direction to turn to..

Pia inspired me a lot that day. She reminded me that we get hurt but life goes on.

She has 8 children for whom she should continue living for. For me and for you, we sure have our own reasons.


Unknown said...

It is a definite challenge to loose someone. It is one thing to choose to end something but when it is taken from you without say in the is amazingly hard to accept and overcome.
When we loose someone to death..we for some reason always lean on how we feel and how hard it will be to go on without them. instead we should be thinking of the new world that they will be entering and that they were chosen by a power much higher than ours.
Our thoughts are so much what determines our emotions in life.

Carms said...

It's really painful to say goodbye and to think that we won't see that person anymore yes life has to go on matter what.

Anonymous said...

I do admire her for her braveness. I also admire her and Francis for their great love for each other.

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