Monday, September 26, 2011


One of the reasons I enjoy "facebooking" is because I read a lot of nice things on people's walls. Today, I am blessed to come across a prayer that I believe is very nice and I shared it to my friends as well.

"DEAR FATHER, we are so tired and desperate for Your help. Our needs are great and we don't know what to do except turn to You. All we know is to cry out to You because we know that Your Love is great and big enough to fix all the healing our Hearts and World needs. Our hearts are broken. Use us Lord to help others in need. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen! Simply hit Share to encourage others today ♥"

When things are so challenging and problems are so draining, Jesus is there to water us with His grace.

1 comment:

sexyjessie said...

Amen, sister. Isn't to find healing in our soul when we read this prayer? Be blessed indeed!

Ps. Welcome back to the blogging world.

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