Friday, July 03, 2009

Pause... Breathe... and Move on!

Yesterday, I was with a group of friends that I have never spent time with for at least half a year already. Dorothy L was right in her comment for my thought yesterday… I just have to “Relax...grab a drink of choice and just breathe :)”

And she’s correct again by saying, “there are all sorts of annoyances that no matter how hard we try to avoid them.....they manage to creep into our day.”

Life’s like that! Sometimes, this sort of experiences reminds us that really, we know how to handle it anyway. Like we know that we just have to pause…. breathe…. and then move on! ;-)


Unknown said...

It is so good to hear that you feel better girl. It is all about breathing...Take care!

Link Semua Driver said...

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imelda said...

yeah realx and unwind and feel the surroundings once in awhile.hapi saturday, here.

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