Tuesday, July 07, 2009

USB sound card

it's been almost a month now since i reblasted this computer and it's almost a month now that i did not have an audio device. i have tried redetecting the audio device... i tried installing and searching for the drivers online... i opened the case, looked for the MOBO model and tried to download the drivers to no avail.

since i've been missing a lot for not having an audio device, i decided to buy a new audio card. i'm not sure if the PCI slots on this old computer are still working so i decided to get one with USB interface.

the USB sound device that i got is a plug and play device. since i plugged it on the computer some few hours ago, i've been enjoying the music. ;-)

i love working on the computer with the music on. it keeps me awake and it gives me the right mood to get things done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so glad I ran into your post. Since I became an owner of a used laptop..I added Windows Vista and my darn sound card disappeared. Like you I tried to download this that and everything with no results.
Thank you for your tried and true!

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